Thursday, January 11, 2007

Give Us A Clue!

Let us know your comments or questions on any topic related to the Scituate Public Schools here! We are looking to start a dialog. Let us know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Here’s a question: Why is the presence of a few community and school based flyers in kid’s backpacks news-worthy enough for the 5:00 news and the front page of the Ledger? I am the parent of school aged children and I appreciate keeping up to date on what is going on in my school and town with these handy announcements. As a parent I aim to ensure that my children enjoy a well-rounded, comprehensive education that extends beyond the walls of their school. I have never felt that my child is being exploited as a foil for advancing the agenda of one person or group via these papers. For the most part, I feel that the news is being shared with the appropriate audience to educate them on something that would enrich their life experience. Secondly, we live in a democratic society: I have the choice to read what I am interested in and toss the rest. Thirdly, most of the schools have adopted a “folder” and “oldest and only” program which cost-effectively sends papers home once a week and one per household. Lastly, I know that our wonderful Superintendent, Mr. Mason, has a policy to approve of all mailings that are sent home via backpacks. And he does a fabulous job! And his efforts are seconded by the principals, who also approve the notices. All I can say is that when non-news issues make the front page, it must be a pretty slow news day. I think it is great when our schools are in the news. Too bad the coverage couldn’t have been on something that actually has merit!

Anonymous said...

Consider this... A substantial Proposition 2-1/2 override will be Town Meeting on March 3rd. This overide is a combined request for both the School's and the Town operating budget. While I am a parent and deeply concerned with the education of my children, I am also a tax payer. Like everyone else, my wife and I have to budget our expenses and determine what the best use of our income is.

I have several questions that I would like answered prior to voting to support an overide. (1) What will be the net increase to a family currently paying $3,000 yearly in property tax? (i.e. Is it $200, or $750). (2) The Town will be having an increase once the new Fire Station is built, equipped and manned. What is this increase. (3) Why did Town and School Officials combine this request? (4) What exactly is the money for and how will it improve the Scituate School system? (5) What is the impact to the system if the override does not pass. (i.e. potetnial positions cuts and jobs lost) Will fees increase or will there be new fees such as the bus fee? As you know, the last time this was attempted it was shot down in the Annual Town Election. (6) What are the plans for Gates School. I am sure a Middle School improvement or new school is in the works. Are there any other large scale school projects planned out there. The State's School Building Fund is very competive, and reimbursement opportunities are lmiited. (7) Has any thought been given to looking at the School Systems operating budget and proposed Capital plan, and comming forward with one Overide for all this.

Having this all being presented a couple month's before ATM is troublesome. We have been aware of the finacial issues for along time.

Barbara Lydon said...

Consider this - your blog posting was discussed at the 1/30 Selectman's meeting. Tune in to Chan 10 to see.

In the meantime, we have some answers to your questios but not all...

Questions 1, 2, 3 & 7 are still being determined. It is our understanding that the decisions on these matters should be finalized at the Advisory meeting tomorrow night 2/1 at the Library. We'll keep you posted.

Response to questions 4 and 5 from the school administration.
4) English Language Arts curriculum upgrade. 500K We haven't overhauled
our English curriculum since 1993.Part of our 5 year plan overhaul that
is now on track for 6 years. We have piloted this program since 2003
-2004 school year and we should have done it last year for this school
year. We have also identified additional professional staff at the
elementary and secondary level to augment our continued progress toward
the "No child left behind" goal of average yearly progress or AYP.

5) We have identified significant cuts to the expense line items only
and only by the School Business Manager and have not been shared with
the School Committee. This will not bring our budget to the targeted
number given by the Town of $ 24,984,485.00. We still would be
approximately $600,000 - $650,000 short and that can only come from one
place and that will be personnel. The Superintendent has not had the
opportunity to talk with the teachers affected and he hopes not to talk
with those professional staff.

Response to 6 is forthcoming - there are plans in the works but it is up to the selectman to decide as they are in charge of all town buildings. Give their office a call or send them an email (their email addresses are on the town website).

Anonymous said...

Do you have a list we can sign up for if we don't want your overide propaganda sent home with our children?

Barbara Lydon said...

We do not have a list - the recycle bin would be the best use of the newsletter (which will be the one and only hard copy distribution we do this year) if you are not interested in reading it.

Try reading it, you might get some good blog comments out of it. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem that this district will face in the near future is the sagging curriculum. The math program in the elementary schools will shortly take its toll on test scores. The lack of electives will stunt graduating seniors' transcripts and when people start to flail for college placement in a highly competitive environment, hindsight will be 20/20. We are not the only community with rising student populations, and we owe our students the best education and the ability to create the strongest competitive edge they can. Forget the ridiculous idea of assistant principals and full day kindergarten and fine tune the programs we currently have. When the curriculum is ramped up and there is uniformity throughout the district at each grade level and between schools then we can have a meaningful conversation about luxuries.

Anonymous said...


My daughter attends the high school so it's nice to see a blog like this available.

It might also be helpful to offer an email subscription option for the blog so everyone can be sure to find out about new postings automatically. FeedBlitz offers that service for free at I use it for my techie blog at so I know it works well.

Good luck and thank you,


Barbara Lydon said...

Thank you Kevin! We are hoping you could help us out with this. We are trying to improve the layout of the blog as well to make it easier to find new comments (added to each posting). If you could help us out, we would really appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Come on people, we know you are reading, this site is secure, nobody has to know who you are, just don't be afaid to post messages. This is what this is for. It can't be "Groundhogs Day" anymore.