Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Newsletter #1 - Did You Know? SHORE, CORSE & PTO $ funding

Did You Know?
- Supplies provided by PTO fundraising dollars in recent years include items such as basic white paper, library books, dictionaries, gym equipment, classroom furniture, air conditioning, playground equipment, Clorox wipes and even carpet cleaner!

Did You Know?
- The Cushing, Hatherly and Wampatuck PTOs raised over $120,000 to build new playgrounds. - S.H.O.R.E awarded $40,000 in grants in 2006 for various programs and equipment, including soccer uniforms, computers, calculators, and Edline, a new on-line system that allows parents and students to view their grades and communicate back to the teachers.
- The Gates School has implemented a Mentoring Program targeted at students who are at high risk for failure, as well as an Incentive Program to recognize students who are “good citizens”.
- The Jenkins School opened without books in the library and over $20,000 was raised to purchase books, in addition to the many books that were donated. The Jenkins ‘Dad’s Club’ designed and built the amphitheater on the playground.
- The Cushing PTO spent approximately $8,000 to install mats on the gym walls to improve safety conditions for the children..
- CORSE provided supplemental funding for library books, teacher conferences, computers for Special Education students, music therapy and after-school skill-building programs


Anonymous said...

How much do the PTOs raise each year (on average) for the schools?

Anonymous said...

On average each of the PTOs raise between $35,000 and $40,000 per year. Hatherly and Cushing each raised $45,000 for their new playgrounds in addition to the money they raised to maintain their budgets.

Anonymous said...

I think the real questions should be how much do the PTOs contribute toward items that clearly should be paid for by the town/school department. For example, the $8000.00 spent at Cushing to pad the gym walls was a result of a couple of concussions suffered by students. The playground was replaced not because an update was wanted but for safety reasons.

Townwide a significant amount of money is contributed by the PTOs (PARENT/TEACHERS) toward basic necessities. The list seems to grow every year.